Monday, July 6, 2009

Harry Potter Prize Pack Winners

The results are in! And by the way, I simply did a drawing. Because we ended up touching on grief situations, I felt it was inappropriate for me to select any of the winners personally. So here are the names of the five winners:
  • Silverhartgirl

  • Roswell

  • Shooting Stars Mag

  • Robin Titan

  • SMD
CONGRATULATIONS! (And no, I did not do this alphabetically! It just so happened that all of the winners started with R and S!)

If you are a winner, please e-mail your snail mail address to me at author at katecoombs dot com, which is also linked from my author's website. I will then have the books sent to you. Note that it may take a few weeks, as I am not the actual sender. As for the rest of you, like me, you will have to console yourselves by seeing the movie.


  1. thank you this is great i have emailed you back

  2. That's hilarious about the R's and S's. LOL But thank you so much.

