Friday, October 8, 2010

Impossible Quests

Okay, I really need to work on revising my current work in progress, an MG fantasy, so I will not be posting any reviews this week. I will tell you about a cool project I'm involved in, though: I have a story included in the upcoming fantasy anthology for grown-ups, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword and Sorceress XXV, edited by Elisabeth Waters. The story is called "Impossible Quests," and it's about a prince and a princess (both of the warrior variety!) who meet up after being sent on quests by people who are really hoping they won't come back. It's essentially tongue-in-cheek, like my Runaway books only more so.

Anyway, author (and fellow contributor) Jonathan Moeller posted an interview with me on his blog yesterday, the first in a series of interviews with contributors to the anthology that will be appearing every Thursday for the next few months. There's a very brief excerpt from the story if you want to take a look.

I don't see the anthology on Amazon yet, which is weird, since all of the previous volumes are there. I'm guessing it will show up shortly. Meanwhile, here's the web address for the publisher, Norilana Books. The anthology will be out on November 15, 2010.

Note: Book cover image shown is from the ARC and is subject to change.

Update: I checked with the editor, and she says the book won't be on Amazon till the publication date. In the meantime, you can check out the list of contributors and stories at this page on the Marion Zimmer Bradley site.


  1. Thanks for sharing, I will definitely want to check this book out. And you can be excused the lack of review if it means we get a new book from you that much sooner.

    I saw you recommended Queen's Thief and DWJ in the interview. Way to spread the awesome!
