Friday, February 4, 2011

Springy Giveaway Winner

Daffodils don't grow very well here in Southern California for lack of a winter, but I have a pot of mini-daffs on my window sill and a daffodil screensaver up on my computer. I will confess, in the interest of veracity, not smugness, that the tree by my front gate is blooming like a bride. Which gives me L.A. guilt as I read the news on the Internet about drivers on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago being stuck in the snow and about the blizzards on the East Coast. Anyway, spring being here is clearly some kind of illusion, or, as Amy of Amy's Library of Rock put it in the comments, "Okay, silly California person with your warped science fiction climate!" But you can at least wish and hope for spring, and for daffodils, even with snow piled up to the rafters, right?

In any case, we have a winner! Saskmom will be receiving a signed copy of my picture book, The Secret-Keeper.

1 comment:

  1. I love the yellow tulips on my screen saver. We visited the tulip fields in Northern Washington State at Easter time a couple of years ago. It was gloomy, cold and rainy, but the colors were vibrant!

    I just read Rules by Cynthia Lord. What a nice, gentle touch she has. I had a fourth grader with an autistic brother one year. The family had a lot of love AND stress. (Maybe we all do.)

    I noticed that your "winner" was probably Canadian. My stats have been showing "hits" from an international audience--nineteen countries so far. I had to put up a wall map and invest in push pins!
