Why? Well, talk about poems that age well! Not all of them, perhaps, especially if you have an unabridged edition, but who else has written the perfect swing poem or the perfect shadow poem? "I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,/And what can be the use of him is more than I can see...." But my favorite is Stevenson's galloping description of "Windy Nights" (which really must be read out loud! See Alice and Martin Provenson's illustration, right.):
Whenever the moon and the stars are set,
Whenever the wind is high,
All night long in the dark and wet
A man goes riding by.
Late in the night, when the fires are out,
Why does he gallop and gallop about?
Whenever the trees are crying aloud,
And ships are tossed at sea,
By, on the highway, low and loud,
By at the gallop goes he,
By at the gallop he goes, and then
By he comes back at the gallop again.
There's a great deal of artistry in that poem; take just one line, "Whenever the trees are crying aloud." Or consider this line from another poem, "The moon has a face like the clock in the hall." What a metaphor!
Now, when I read old-fashioned books to kids or simply read them historical fiction, I deal with the difference in customs and language by saying up front, "This book was written a long time ago, so some of the words are a little different." (Or, "This story takes place a long time ago," etc.) Then I explain any out-of-date customs or words along the way as needed.
This post was actual

Barbara McClintock—The artist's preference for stories set in the 19th century makes her the perfect pick for illustrating Stevenson's poems, which were first published in 1885. Though they are certainly dressed in old-fashioned clothing, her children are energetic and real, not frozen in good-child poses, as one might expect in paintings evoking this era. We are reminded that little girls in pinafores and petticoats could be just as engaged and mischievous as their modern-day counterparts. In addition to numerous spot illustrations, McClintock gives us several full-page illustrations, e.g., showing us the snowy day from "Wintertime," the garden of verses itself opposite the title page, or the "Block City." If you don't yet own an edition of these poems, McClintock's new book would be a great starting point.

Alice and Martin Provensen (out of print)—This is the version I grew up with, and I swiped the tattered volume from my mother a few years ago. (Okay, I did ask, and she said yes!) As in their Newbery Award and Caldecott Honor-winning book, Nancy Willard's A Visit to William Blake's Inn, the Provensens include a rich array of illustrations like this one, which accompanies the poem, "Looking Forward":
When I am grown to man's estate
I shall be very proud and great,
And tell the other girls and boys
Not to meddle with my toys.
I think it's worth setting your child up with definitions of "estate" and "meddle" so that they can catch the humor! (Though they might even grasp it without the definitions.)
Gyo Fujikaw

Brian Wildsmith—This illustrator's version is a terrific departure from the other, more traditional editions. If you've never seen Wildsmith's style, take a look at his marvelous sun (right)! The image accompanies Stevenson's poem, "Summer Sun," which begins:
Great is the sun, and wide he goes
Through empty heaven without repose.
And in the blue and glowing days
More thick than rain he showers his rays.
Wildsmith is not a pastel kind of guy; his art is redolent with bright color and loose, thick lines that give these poems a whole new feel.
Tasha Tudor (

Jesse Wilcox Smith (out of print)—Another sweet rendition, with plenty of pastel colors. Perhaps you've seen Smith's artwork available as posters and prints. Here's a piece that accompanies the poem, "At the Seaside," to give you the idea. (See below right.)
Cooper Edens, editor—Have you heard of Green Tiger Press? If I understand correctly, this small California publisher headed by Cooper Edens was bought out ten or fifteen years ago, but you should keep looking for Edens' books. In particular, Edens came up with the brilliant idea of finding a bunch of artwork from the late 1800s and early 1900s for a particular

Try as I like to find the way,
I never can get back by day,
Nor can remember plain and clear
The curious music that I hear.
Probably the best meaning of the term "classic" is a book or work of art whose appeal endures across generations. Robert Louis Stevenson's poems certainly fit the bill. Their exuberance, their wordcraft, and their understanding of what it means to be a child continue to resonate in our day. So does much of the marvelous artwork created to accompany the poet's famous collection.
All of these editions are beautiful, only in different ways. If you're an old-fashioned soul and diligently refer to books for kids as "children's literature," possibly in a British accent, I recommend the McClintock or Edens versions. If you're a romantic who gets all "aw shucks" over children and puppies, stick with Fujikawa, Tudor, or Smith. If you're the bold, contemporary type, then Wildsmith's version is the book for you. As for best all round? No bias here, but I'd have to say that the Provensons' book still reigns supreme!
Of course, it's lovely to have so many good choices. As Stevenson puts it in his couplet, "Happy Thought":

The world is so full of a number of things,
I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.
Update: Amy L. Vanderwater recommends A Child's Garden of Songs: The Poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson in Song by Ted Jacobs. Visit the Amazon page to listen to music samples.
Speaking of happy, how wonderful to be hosting Poetry Friday during National Poetry Month! Turns out April isn't so cruel, after all. I will add your links below starting Friday morning at around 7:00 Pacific Standard Time, if not earlier. Thank you in advance for your participation—and for your love of poetry!
--Mary Ann Scheuer of Great Kid Books reviews Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night, a 2011 Newbery Honor Book by Joyce Sidman.
--Brimful Curiosities gives us Rose Fyleman's classic poem, "A Fairy Went A-Marketing," newly illustrated by her daughter in a tiny, fairy-size book.
--I've been really enjoying Greg K's 30 Poets in 30 Days posts in honor of National Poetry Month. Today he's showcasing "If I..." by Brod Bagert, an Earth Day lament about the BP oil spill.
--From Tanita S. Davis, we find this poetic response to the book Mare's War by 11-year-old Zack.
--Tabatha Yeatts shares a feline poem by Dian Duchin Reed, "Holy Cats."
--Carol features Edmund Spenser's poem "Easter" just in time for this coming Sunday.
--Diane Mayr goes all out with A.E. Housman's spring poem, "Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now" at Random Noodling; a cat poem from Derek Walcott's book, White Egrets, at Kurious Kitty; and a Walcott quote at Kurious K's Kwotes.
--At Hope Is the Word, Amy reviews Mary Ann Hoberman's book of family poems, Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers.
--Carol Rasco of Reading Is Fundamental posts about jonquils, giving us a jonquil poem by Carl Rakosi, "The Menage."
--Celebrate the second blogiversary of Teaching Authors with Carmela Martino, who's posted an original blogiversary poem by fellow author April Halprin Wayland and a critique giveaway for you aspiring writers!
--David Elzey of Fomagrams offers us a weekly roundup of twitku, the haiku he's been sharing on Twitter. He also refers us to yesterday's Grimmoire, a poetic reinterpretation of a Grimms' fairy tale.
--Elaine Magliaro's original poem "Marshmallow Chicks" at Wild Rose Reader is a light-hearted Easter post. Then at Blue Rose Girls, see further chickness with her mask poem, "Chick Chatter."
--Thanks to Tara of A Teaching Life for posting two poems by Marie Howe, "The Gate" (on video) and "The Copper Beech."
--At Author Amok, Laura Shovan continues her month of Maryland poets by showcasing Margaret S. Mullins' poem "Kindergarten," a poem about "that amazing moment when a child begins to read."
--Heidi Mordhorst is visiting Costa Rica, but she shares this visual poem about a sloth, "Mission Accomplished," and teaches us the term pura vida.
--Mary Lee of A Year of Reading has been presenting a poem a day in honor of National Poetry Month, too. Today's gem is a perhaps controversial found poem spoken by the marvelous Billy Collins.
--For Good Friday, Learning to Let Go (Happy Catholic) features a poignant Edwin Muir Easter poem, "The Killing."
--Sarah of Books, Dogs, and Frogs celebrates spring and Earth Day with an ultra-classic poem, Anacreon's "Spring." She reminds us that every day is an earth day!
--Terry Doherty of Scrub-a-Dub-Tub gives us pointers on creating an Easter Egg hunt with some poetic clues she wrote for her daughter.
--Katie reviews African Acrostics: A Word in Edgeways by Avis Harley at Secrets & Sharing Soda.
--Jone's students are writing up a storm with her 30 Days = 30 Students project. Today's poem is about writing. Thanks, Jacob!
--Author Sara Lewis Holmes of Read Write Believe presents both ends of the faith spectrum with her Gerard Manley Hopkins/Lyle Lovett duo. I really must quote her great line about Hopkins: He "writes compressed agony like no one else."
--Check out The Miss Rumphius Effect, where you can read "A Shower" by Amy Lowell. April showers; perfect! See also Tricia's list of her Poetry in the Classroom series for National Poetry Month. As a teacher and a poetry person, I've been following these with great interest.
--Barbara of The Write Sisters presents an Edna St. Vincent Millay poem, "Thursday."
--Laura Salas shares her original poem, "After the Storm," which is featured in the terrific e-anthology, Poetry Tag Time. I've read this anthology of linked poems and thought it was worth many times the 99-cent purchase price. (I set it up on my PC, since I don't have an e-reader. Very easy!)
--Charles Gigna (Father Goose) is in with an entire new poetry blog! It's called How to Write a Poem, and it's subtitled "Tips on Tapping into the Magic of Your Muse."
--Another National Poetry Month series I've been following is Jama Rattigan's Poetry Potluck at her Alphabet Soup blog. (And not just because I'll be one of the poetry guests before the month is over!) Today's poet is Amy Ludvig Vanderwater with her original poem "Mother Bird's Lullaby" and a recipe for the tricky but rewarding Pineapple Slices from Grandma Vanderwater. Please also look back over the other posts so far this month; they're simply delicious!
--Blythe Woolston joins us with spine poems and a book giveaway: Jacqueline Houtman's The Reinvention of Edison Thomas.
--Author Michelle Markel of The Cat and the Fiddle hosts a poetry Q&A with Joan Bransfield Graham, April Halprin Wayland, and Janet Wong.
--At Poem Farm, poet Amy L. Vanderwater offers us some nature poems of her own, as well as poems from a fifth grade poetry blog project. Amy has been mentoring this class of kids, and it shows. See also her list of links to the poetry lessons she's been posting for National Poetry Month. She's another one whose April poetry celebration I've been following!
--Author Janet Squires of All About the Books introduces us to Canyon, a book of free verse by Eileen Cameron and photographs by Michael Collier paying homage to the way water carves out canyons.
--At Adventures in Daily Living, Suzanne shares "Good Friday in My Heart" by Mary Elizabeth Coolridge.
--Author Robyn Hood Black joins us with an Emily Dickinson poem, "Nature rarer uses yellow...."
--Over at Literate Lives, Karen reviews Bob Raczka's book, Lemonade and Other Poems Squeezed from a Single Word.
--There must be something in the lemonade! Jennie of Biblio File is spotlighting Virginia Euwer Wolff's novel in verse, Make Lemonade.
--At The Drift Record, poet Julie Larios shares her poem "Far from Home" and refers us to Gottabook's 30 Poets in 30 Days, where the poem appeared previously.
--And finally, we've got Books 4 Learning with a review of Rhonda Lucas Donald's book of poems, Deep in the Desert.
I just had our copy out the other day! I own the version illustrated by Eulalie, one of my favorite illustrators. I grew up with her Mother Goose book and adore the old-fashioned looking, chubby-cheeked children in her illustrations.
This week I featured Rose Fyleman's "A Fairy Went A-Marketing" with illustrations by Jamichael Henterly. My daughter created her own fairy sized illustrations for this poem.
Hi, Kate! Thanks for hosting. I've had a slew of poetry all week long, and today I've got Brod Bagert's If I..., a great poem for the day.
Good morning! (Or, still night, depending on how you look at it.) I love all the illustration differences for a single book - I was recently at the Robert Louis Stevenson museum in Edinburgh, and saw an original edition of the book - sans illustrations, as it was still in handwritten form. Neat.
I'm in today with a poem from 11-year-old Zack from Oakwood School, responding to Mare's War (for a poetry project.)
Hi Kate! Happy Poetry Friday! I love Wildsmith's sun.
I've got cats today.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! I have Gyo Fujkawa edition of Child's Garden of Verses that my grandmother gave me in 1964. This book auntie (Like you I think everyone else can give kids toys, I'll bring the books!) is in today with Edmund Spenser's "Easter." He wrote it five hundred years ago, but it still rings true, I think, today. www.carolwscorner.blogspot.com
At Random Noodling I have a spring poem by A.E. Housman, "The Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now."
Kurious Kitty shares a cat poem from Derek Walcott's book, White Egrets, and, Kurious K's Kwotes' quote is by Walcott, too.
I reviewed a Mary Ann Hoberman collection that we enjoyed this week:
I'm excited about A child's Garden illustrated by Barbara McClintock!!
I found a used copy of the Tasha Tudor version a little while ago, and you better believe I snatched it up! I am still on the lookout for the Jessie Wilcox Smith one. I love her illustrations. I hadn't heard of many of these versions, though. Now I'm going to have to check them out! (I can just see my children's bookcase in a few years - one shelf entirely devoted to various editions of A Child's Garden of Verses and Mother Goose!)
Wow! What a lot of choices. I love Wildsmith's sun and am going to have to look for that version. I haven't read much Stevenson lately but grew up with this book, too. I need to get my own copy now! I agree, many of his poems have stood up so well to time!
I'm in with my poem from Poetry Tag Time, the ebook put together by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong:
And also with 15 Words or Less poems:
Thanks for hosting, Kate!
I have posted about jonquils, my memories of jonquils, where I see them now and a poem The Menage by Carl Rakosi: http://bit.ly/f5V7Pz.
Thank you for hosting us and for the incredible review of A Child's Garden of Verses, such a favorite book of mine long ago and still today.
Thanks for this great post, Kate. "My Shadow" is the first poem I remember loving as a child -- and I'm a big Cooper Edens fan.
Today, the Poetry Potluck continues at alphabet soup with a sweet poem by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater and an unforgettable recipe for Pineapple Cake.
Thanks for hosting and have a good weekend.
Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday. I love all the different covers of GARDEN OF VERSES. Most of them are new to me.
Today at TeachingAuthors, I've posted an original poem by my co-blogger April Halprin Wayland in honor of our second blogiversary. We're having a critique giveaway to celebrate, too:
first? that doesn't seem possible.
the weirdest thing about this collection of garden verses is that going by the illustrations i feel i might have had more than one version of stevenson's in my possession, the provensen and the fujikawa. now i have neither, that must get corrected.
okay, so today (friday) i have my weekly roundup of haiku that i've been posting on twitter:
and then yesterday i somehow managed to drag a poetic adaptation out of a lesser-known grimm tale:
thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much for doing the Poetry Friday Roundup this week!
At Wild Rose Reader, I have an original poem titled "Marshmallow Chicks" that I thought was perfect for posting on the Friday before Easter.
Some wonderful favorites here! Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday, Kate. I've included two poems by Marie Howe in my Poetry Friday post today.
Continuing with my month of Maryland poets, I'm sharing Margaret S. Mullins' poem "Kindergarten." It's about that amazing moment when a child begins to read.
Happy Earth Day, Kate! I grew up with the Tasha Tudor edition and remember "The Land of Counterpane" especially fondly.
I'm posting today as tersely as I ever will from Costa Rica. Hope you don't mind creating the link...http://myjuicylittleuniverse.blogspot.com/2011/04/mission-accomplished.html
I'm back! Over at Blue Rose Girls, I have an original mask poem titled "Chick Chatter."
Good morning, Kate! Thanks for hosting us!!
I've got another "found poem" spoken by Billy Collins at a poetry reading on Wednesday. This is poem #22 in my poem-a-day project for National Poetry Month, and I say "another" because yesterday's poem was also a Bill Collins Found Poem! No surprise -- he speaks in poetry!
Really enjoyed your post about A Child's Garden of Verses, and your detailing of the various editions. I remember Gyo Fujikawa, Brian Wildsmith, and Tasha Tudor so well from other books we had when our kids were small. I really agree about Stevenson's work aging well.
I have a poem suited for Good Friday today.
Thanks for hosting!
I loved a Child's Garden of Verse when I was a kid, but I don't remember what edition it was.
Today I also have an older poem on Spring for Earth Day. http://booksdogsandfrogs.wordpress.com/2011/04/22/earth-day-every-day/
Thanks for hosting,
Thanks for hosting, Kate. What a wonderful way to demonstrate the power of a poem and how different illustrators see them. What a great walk down memory lane.
This week we're combining some memories of our daughter with an Easter Egg Hunt poem.
Thanks for hosting! Here's my contribution: http://sharingsoda.blogspot.com/2011/04/poetry-friday-4-review-african.html
Here is a student poem about writing: http://maclibrary.wordpress.com/2011/04/22/poetry-friday-30-days-30-students-2/
Wow. Wildsmith's cover is brilliant.
I'm in today with a post that links Gerard Manley Hopkins and Lyle Lovett. Yeah. Even I don't understand my brain.
I still have my copy of A Child's Garden of Verses! I'll have to dig it out for another reading.
Over at http://thewritesisters.blogspot.com I've a bit of Edna St. Vincent Millay. A poem called Thursday for this Poetry Friday.
I remember and still have my own copy of A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES, given to me by my own Book Aunt Kay! I love that Wildsmith sun and am going to be checking him out. This is one of my favorite recordings...of these poems! http://www.amazon.com/Childs-Garden-Songs-Poetry-Stevenson/dp/B00000HZEB
Today I have nature poems and a peek into a fifth grade class's blogging project. http://poemfarm.blogspot.com/2011/04/poetry-friday-peek-and-nature-poems.html
Thank you for hosting!
Hi Kate!
Here's a new blog with weekly tips to help tap into the magic of the muse
Everyone--I've had a little trouble with a few of the comments coming through this morning. If your link isn't up here by now, 8:00 a.m. PST, please resend it and I'll try again!
And thanks for all the great stuff so far... :)
Eloise--I know! I really should add on to my house so I can put in more shelf space. Either that or get rid of a few books. Ouch! (Next on my list is collecting more Mother Goose variations. There are lots, of course!)
We had a very windy night last night and it made me think of "Windy Nights." Garden is the best bed-time reading: You can build a gradual transition from the day's excitement to rest from the poems. And I never get tired of reading it, either.
Today, I made a couple of spine poems. And I'm giving away a copy of Jacqueline Houtman's "The Reinvention of Edison Thomas" all you need to do to enter is comment. (The book is about a non-neurotypical kid. You will love him.)
Great post! Much obliged for hosting. At The Cat and the Fiddle, I Joan Bransfield Graham, April Halprin Wayland and Janet Wong talk about writing and teaching poetry.
Thanks for hosting.
My selection is "Canyon" written by Eileen Cameron with photographs by Michael Collier @ http://janetsquires.blogspot.com
I added Good Friday in my Heart. I included badge coding if anyone wants it.
Kate, I'm a long (long) time fan of A Child's Garden of Verses. Thanks for the round up!
You're very welcome, Jeannine! Sometimes I think we forget the major classics because they're just so large and present.
Just got back after a long drive. Thanks so much for including me! And thanks too for hosting!
Many thanks for hosting, Kate, and for that wonderful tour through these versions of A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES. I'm pondering nature's colors with Emily Dickinson today at http://www.robynhoodblack.com/blog.htm?post=786654
Thanks so much for hosting. Here's my contribution:
This is such a cool concept for a review post-- the many editions of one book! I really enjoyed it!
And, uh, I don't have anything for Poetry Friday. I still claim that I don't Do poetry.
Thank you so much for hosting today's round up! I'm in with a review of Make Lemonade: http://www.jenrothschild.com/2011/04/national-poetry-month-make-lemonade.html
I'd like to join this hop. I posted about desert poems today. Thanks.
I keep posting my Poetry Friday contributions later and later each week! But here it is: I have a link to Greg Pincus's 30 Poets/30 Days series and my poem FAR FROM HOME over at The Drift Record
Tricia--No problem! I love the Poetry in the Classroom series.
Amy--Glad you liked the CGofV post! Of course, you don't have to Do poetry to enjoy it every so often. Say, on Fridays. :)
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