Yesterday I was standing in a bookstore and overheard a woman trying to pick out a book for her nine-year-old niece. Naturally, I entered into the fray. My only difficulty was that when I asked the child questions about her reading habits and interests, the aunt kept trying to answer for her (incorrectly). I finally got a few words from the girl herself and managed to seal the deal with Half Magic by Edward Eager, though we decided that E.D. Baker's books would be a good option to look for at the library. And so it goes: Book Aunt may not be posting, but she's still lurking in the shadows of the local bookstore, leaping out to hand books to unsuspecting and presumably grateful children plus the adults they haul along with them for purposes of paying for things.
I will keep the site up for a while so that people can access the archives, most notably my large posts overviewing a genre or different versions of the same well-known story or book. Here are some of the more useful posts in various categories:
About Fairy Tales and Folktales
Standout Fairy Tale Books, Collections, and Retellings
Fairy Tales and Books about Witches (A Halloween Post)
Classic Fairy Tale Retellings
An Overview of Trickster Tales
Versions of a Well-Known Story or Book
Versions of A Child's Garden of Verses
Versions of Mother Goose
Versions of Cinderella (Plus Notes on the Possible Demise of Picture Book Fairy Tales)
Versions of Beauty and the Beast
Versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Versions of the Snow Queen

Picture Books for Grieving
Picture Books to Sing
Picture Books about Water
Picture Book Lessons about Being Yourself
Thoughtful Picture Books You've Never Heard Of
Oddball Picture Books:
--Not Your Grandma's Picture Books
--Picture Books with Bite
--Feeling Kinda Crazy: Three Unusual Picture Books
Other Book Batches
Many Mouse Books
Poetry Anthologies for Small Children
A Selection of Christmas Books
Books by Authors about Writing for Children
Best Book Lists
Best Picture Books Ever (2009)
Best Middle Grade Books Ever (2009)
Final Favorites Lists (2013)
How to Pick Books for Kids
Secret Weapons: Choosing the Right Books
Ten Books at a Time
The Pistachio Awards
First Annual Pistachio Awards (March 2011)
Second Annual Pistachio Awards (April 2012)
In Case You Didn't Know...
Why I Love Picture Books (Anarchy of the Imagination)
Again, thank you to all of my visitors. I've made so many nice blog friends. I hope to be able to keep in touch through comments, tweets, and e-mails. And of course, let's continue to rejoice in children's literature and the love of reading!
For those of you who follow my books, I have a picture book called The Tooth Fairy Wars, illustrated by Jake Parker, coming out in Spring 2014 and a poetry collection called Monster School that will probably be out in Spring 2015. No middle grade fiction at the moment, but I'm working on something, so we'll see what happens next. (Isn't that always the case with life and everything?)
Note: The first image above is a detail called "Young Woman Writing" from a wall painting in Pompeii. The second image is a detail from "Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid" by Vermeer. The third painting is "Three Reading Girls" by Walter Elmer Schofield. A print of it used to hang in my grandmother's home. She was a very good first grade teacher and reading tutor as well as a voracious reader who passed the love of books on to her children and their children. The picture now hangs in my office.
Kate, We will miss you here in the Kidlitosphere, but I do love the image of you lurking here and everywhere, wise and witty books in hand. And I am glad that there will be more books by Kate out in the world. We're fans here... Many good wishes to you at the start of this new chapter, and thank you for all you have given us. xo, a.
Farewell, and good luck! You will be missed.
You have things to write. we understand. (mutter, mutter, mutter)
I wish it were not so, but I will keep your blog in my reader just in case, and maybe someday we will meet in real life!
Best of luck to you in your other writing!
Thanks, you guys. Keep in touch! (Sounds like I'm asking you to sign my yearbook, I know.) My Twitter handle is @KateCoombs13 and I'm the Kate Coombs (of 23) on Facebook that lives in Bountiful, Utah.
So sad :( But thank you for all the wonderful recommendations. Maybe I'll see you around town. I'm not sure where you are in Utah, but I frequent the King's English...
I am bummed, but I totally get it. I have trouble keeping up with my blog, and it's just a slice of life kind of thing. I can't imagine what it takes to maintain such a thoughtful, helpful blog! I look forward to reading more of your books.
Take care,
We'll miss you, but yay for new books!
If not for this blog, I would never have discovered the Queen's Thief books, along with many others (and my kids' collection of picture books would be significantly smaller). I am sorry to see it go, but excited about the thought of more of YOUR books in the world! Thank you for sharing all you have with us over the last four years!
Thank you for your service to us readers, librarians, parents, etc! You will be missed!
Best of luck with your writing! You'll be missed in the blogosphere.
It sounds like you have lots of exciting things going on, but your posts will definitely be missed!
You will be missed! And thank you for so many great posts!
You'll definitely be missed, Kate. Thanks for all the great posts over the years!
Oh no! I'll miss you! But I'm glad I'll have your books!
Thank you so much! It's so nice to know the blog has been helpful. And I will definitely write some good books. :)
Thanks so much for all the reviews. I have used your site frequently as a source for books to read. Best wishes in all you do.
I haven't been visiting blogs much these days, but there are a few I still read. I am sad to see you go, but know you have great things ahead of you!
Best wishes,
To celebrate two years of blogging a poem a day for children, I'm giving away a POETRY FRIDAY ANTHOLOGY FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL t-shirt. If you'd like a chance to win the shirt drop by
ulfnow 5157
Awww... you will definitely be missed! Thanks for leaving the site up; it's such a great resource. And best of luck with your writing!
Such a shame - I'll miss this blog! Oh well, what the blog world loses, your book readers will surely gain. Best of luck with the writing
We will definitely miss you..hope you will come back for the reader like us..Best for writing!!
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