I've been talking up Hilary McKay's Casson Family books for a while now, so when I got a chance to interview this author about her Lulu books, now being published in the U.S., I was fangirlishly thrilled. Join me in finding out just how witty and fun Hilary McKay is as a person and as a writer. Thanks, Hilary!

HM: I've always written early chapter books
along with the longer ones. It started with writing stories for anthologies and
went on from there. So although there are only the LULU books in the US, here
we also have the CHARLIE books (in which Lulu and Mellie sometimes appear) and
the PARADISE HOUSE series (another multicultural series about a group of
children who live and play together).
BA: Both the Exiles
and the Casson books are about groups of siblings, clearly ensemble casts. Has it been different writing about an only child?
HM: No, not at all! Lulu always has Mellie
who is as close to her as any sibling.
BA: You write, “Lulu and Mellie were not just ordinary
friends—they were best
friends.” Did you have a
best friend as a child? If so, what was the friendship like? Did you sometimes “[grumble] about each other’s hobbies, which were not at all alike”?
HM: I did have a best friend, and we were
not a bit alike—she
was an only child, and I was one of four. And she never read books and I read
hundreds. Despite that, for several years we were very close indeed.
BA: How did you create
Lulu’s personality?
HM: Lulu first appeared in an earlier book—climbing over a fence to visit her
friend Charlie. I believe, although it is hard to remember because it was so
long ago and I haven't a copy of the story, I believe he cut her hair! And I
think after that between them they cut the hair of most of the children in the
neighborhood. Lulu has been at the back of my mind for a long time, brave and
loving and cheeky and kind. I am very fond of her.
BA: I’ve really enjoyed the humor in your
previous books. Now the humor in the Lulu books makes them stand out from the
pack. Tell us about your sense of humor and the humor in your writing.
HM: That is so hard! Goodness! Oh well,
here goes.
I like words. I think an unexpected
word at (as Captain Jack Sparrow might remark) the opportune moment can jolt a
person into smiling. And I like listening to people talk. It is often, I have
noticed, ridiculous. Write it down, word for word, and you often have a
joke. Or something. That is the hardest question I have been
asked since Physics at University.
BA: I’m pleased to see that Lulu and Mellie
are black, something that is shown in the illustrations but isn’t called out in the text. What prompted
that choice?
HM: I have to say this. Here in the far
from perfect UK that fact has never been remarked upon. Not once. I have been
absolutely stunned at Lulu's reception in the US. And I have to say, why not?
It's not the first time. There was a black child in the Paradise House series,
years ago here (and a Chinese one). No one ever commented. Schools over here are filled with all sorts
of children, naughty ones and good ones, plain ones and pretty ones, rich one
and poor ones, able bodied sporty ones, wheel chair users, readers, non
readers, nuisances and treasures. And white ones and black ones. Thank
BA: Who were you as a child? Could you tell us a story that would give us an idea?

BA: The dogs in Lulu and the Duck in the Park are the
villains of the piece, while the titular dog in Lulu and the Dog from the Sea is the hero. What’s more, it seems like the character
growth in Book 2 takes place mostly in the two dogs, not the people. What pets
have you had in your life? Have they experienced any personal growth?
HM: What an observation! I am impressed! I
don't usually bother with character growth in either humans or animals. It
would take a long time to list all the pets in my life, and this keyboard would
be awash with tears at the memories. I have been fortunate enough to know some
very wonderful animals. Hamsters—a
merry and noble hamster named Coffee. Dogs. Yes indeed. Kipling (I know, I
know, well out of fashion) was right about giving your heart to a dog to tear.
Sam, Roly, Keeper. Laddie (I didn't name him but I loved him). Laddie didn't
believe in the existence of glass. I must say car journeys were a trial...
BA: What inspired the
character of Mrs. Holiday? Who were the most memorable teachers from your own
school days?
HM: Ah, yes, Mrs Holiday! But if you had known my own Mrs Rule! What a
woman! She believed we could do anything, and we did. Well do I remember us
calculating the diameter of the earth with the aid of shadows and a stopwatch,
out in the playground in the sun. Every Friday afternoon (as a treat) every
child in her class researched and continued the book they were currently
working upon. There was no wishy washy remarking that we were only ten, too
young for literature. We baked bread and churned butter, and learnt to play a
well mannered game of chess. On my birthday (me being the class naturalist) we
had a natural history day. A very large tortoise was allowed to roam freely
between the desks. And Mrs Rule read to us every day, and often to please us
she brought in her dog. (He was named The Black Panther.) She was the best
teacher in the world and I would give a great deal to be allowed to go back in
time to tell her so.
BA: How did a
biochemist turn into a writer of children’s fiction?
HM: My friend Isabel suggested it because
she said I wrote good letters. So I had a go and it worked.
BA: Your flap copy bio
says you like getting letters from children. Could you give us a few quotes
from the

HM: What? Okay. Wait till I dig the files
"I thought of you today because my life
is starting to feel like a novel written by you."
"I own two trumpets and two guitars"
"I read it twice but I'm still
"It wasn't my fault the shelf was
shaky. It was an accident waiting to happen."
BA: What’s next for Lulu??
HM: Well, you have two of the series. There
are six here and I have two more to write before summer. I think your next one
involves a cat in a bag.
BA: As a postscript, I
have to ask: Are you planning any more books about the Cassons?
HM: Not in the next few months!
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