Here are the posts so far:
"What's Your Story?" About my childhood as a budding poet/writer
"A Letter to Readers" About the beach and how it inspired this book
Water Sings Blue Giveaway The announcement at ReaderKidz
FAQs: How Can I Help My Child Enjoy Poetry A very nice guide by Jeannette of ReaderKidz
ReaderkidZ has asked my publisher to give away a copy of Water Sings Blue in connection with their posts, and the folks at Chronicle have kindly agreed. However, my site is better equipped to host a giveaway, so we're doing it here.

Since we're celebrating poetry this month, you can qualify for the giveaway by writing a haiku about an ocean animal or some other maritime topic (like boats) and leaving it in the comments. The winner's name will be drawn and announced at the end of April. Please also make sure you are easy to get in touch with by leaving contact info in your comment or at least by checking back.
Thanks again, ReaderKidZ and Chronicle!
I have never written a haiku before, but it doesn't look like you're judging on talent and I REALLY want this book for me AND my library so...
I'm watching horror
Whales, fish, waves, CGI swimming here
Deep water scares me
(yes, I consider ocean movies horror movies. I have weird phobias)
Jennifer--Thanks for bravely writing a haiku about your ocean phobia. Way to launch our WSB giveaway boat! :)
I wanted to tell you too that I just loaned your Hans My Hedgehog to a young girl at my school that is studying all things about hedgehogs. She was thrilled to see a book all about one hedgehog! Here's my haiku:
ocean sweeps the edge
I jump, run - play keep away
Wait for wet 'till tomorrow
How about a hug?
Octopuses need love, too.
Armed. Ready. Squeeze tight.
Oh, such nice haiku!
Mariana Trench
Deep beyond deep beyond deep
Ocean's Grand Canyon
I wouldn't call myself a poet either, but I would love to win the book. This was inspired by my fourth graders- I shared a news article one day a couple of weeks ago, about two people journeying to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and it's become an obsession.
Congratulations on the beautiful new book, Kate -- I got my copy a few weeks ago! I'm so glad you had the idea that jellyfish were like a glass cake plate. Wonderful!
Anonoymous--I really like your Mariana Trench haiku. What a great topic!
Thank you, Irene. And thank you, jellyfish!
My family and I love looking for fossilized sharks' teeth at the beach. It's neat to find something so shiny, tiny and ancient in the sand.
Sift sands, search shore, ‘til
Wave withdraws, revealing a
Miniscule jewel
by Stephanie Parsley
The boys and I obsessively collect beach shells... don't tell us it's time to stop and go home!
Just one more shell. Then
that one, under the seaweed,
partly hidden.
This book looks great! I have it on my list win or lose!
Thanks for having a giveaway, this was fun to think about and write on my Saturday morning.
Overflowing whale
Navigating memories
Every pulsing wake
Here, at ocean's edge
Churning salty road to you
On the other side
This is a gorgeous book! Congratulations!
More great haiku! Thanks for making me see the ocean in new ways. :)
I have two haiku about a fascinating little creature I met last year on vacation in Alabama...the flying fish.
A plane, no a bird
Incorrect...water and fins
It's a flying fish
Jumping and leaping
Flying fish always go left
The best of both worlds
Thanks for offering the giveaway. I'm looking forward to reading Water Sings Blue.
Memories forever
Long days in the sun and sand
Precious times for me
Thanks for offering the giveaway...and thanks for writing your books!
I want to get my hands on a copy of your book so I am jumping in:
hermit crabs scribbling
escape from the boardwalk
seeking tide pools
Nice, Andi! I can so picture that.
One thing that fascinates me about the ocean is its versatility - for example the colour transition when you get deeper into it, which almost magically mirrors the changing colours from sky to deep space. So my haiku is about this 'blue rainbow' in the ocean:
Turquoise twinkle swash,
Rolling darker indigo -
What colour is deep?
I'm really looking forward to laying my hands on your book - one way or another! ;-)
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