did Charles Dickens come up with the character of the Artful Dodger for Oliver Twist?
According to this book, the journalist and serial novelist met a street-smart teen who served as the basis for
the character. That would be a great premise all by itself, but Pratchett takes
it a step further—the book is told from the perspective of Dodger. It is also,
according to the author’s note, historical fantasy. Since you won’t come across a
shred of magic here, you might find yourself wondering why. Here’s how the
author puts it: “This is a historical fantasy—and certainly not a historical
novel….” I would say it’s historical fantasy because Dodger performs feats of
derring-do that are sometimes a little over the top. Feats, in fact, worthy of a
Dickens novel. Or maybe a James Bond movie. (Spy books and movies are secretly
fantasy novels, I’ve always thought.) Joan Aiken would be proud of this book,
which channels the kind of fantasy/adventure writing you'll find in her Wolves of Willoughby
Chase and the rest of the series. So. Strict fantasy? No. But Dodger requires a
certain suspension of disbelief. It is also one of the best books I’ve read all year.
is approximately one-fourth due to the adventure and secondary characters like Charles
Dickens; it's three-fourths due to the central character. We learn that Dodger is
a tosher. Not only that, but he’s a geezer. Here’s a minor villain explaining
to the major villains what they’re up against:
“A geezer is somebody that everybody knows, and he knows everybody, and maybe he knows something about everyone he knows that maybe you wished he didn’t know. Um, and well, he’s sharp, crafty, um, not exactly a thief but somehow things find their way into his hands. Doesn’t mind a bit of mischief, and wears the street like an overcoat. Dodger now…well, Dodger’s a tosher as well, which means he knows what’s going on down in the sewers too—a tosher, sir, being somebody who goes down there looking for coins and suchlike that may have been lost down the drain.”

Then Charles
Dickens takes an interest in Dodger and hires him to find out who the girl is.
Not only does Dodger have an instant crush on the girl they begin calling
Simplicity, but he’s also intrigued by the challenge. He begins asking
around—which is what brings him to the attention of the villains. The adventure escalates and escalates in, well, true Dickensian fashion.
With a little bit of James Bond thrown in for good measure.
I was telling you about Dodger. He is dimensional in a rough and ready way
tinged with vague ambitions. Fortunately, he has a mentor in the form of the
old Jewish man he lives with: Solomon, of course. Solomon has been trying to teach Dodger
just a little honesty and now begins to help him take advantage of the
opportunities that come his way because of this new adventure. Solomon is an
amazing character; later in the book we start to realize just how amazing he
really is. Simplicity turns out to be rather complicated, too. Dodger meets
one of the richest women in England, not to mention Benjamin Disraeli, police
master Robert Peel and, in a Pratchett tour de force, Sweeney Todd, the Demon
Barber of Fleet Street—from whom Dodger seeks a haircut.
can’t even begin to tell you how wonderfully well all of this is executed. The
writing itself is strong, but the ideas are even better. For example, Dickens
teaches Dodger about the way journalists spin stories, explaining it using fog
as an analogy. We see variations of London fog crawling here and there in the
story to reinforce the theme. Then Dodger coopts the metaphor in a
truly useful way as his life careens down the increasingly dangerous streets of
the city. For example, Dodger meets Disraeli and draws his own conclusions.
Here he talks to Solomon about it. The old man is describing social
stratification. “Intrigued, Dodger said, ‘Am I downtrodden?’” The old man
“You? Not so you would notice, my boy, and neither do you tread on anybody else, which is a happy situation to be in, but if I was you I shouldn’t think too much more about politics, it can only make you ill.”
may not think a lot about politics, but he knows how to play people. After
turning into a reluctant hero to the entire city and laying his fists about in
a couple of dark corners where he is meant to die, Dodger hatches an elaborate plot
to save Simplicity. Then he takes an odd crew a-toshing in the sewers, where he
meets up with the worst of the villains hired by the major bad guys to kill him.
has a marvelous time with his conclusion, which is unexpected and unbelievable
and absolutely perfect. But the book sings because of the people in it. I have long admired Pratchett for his talent with
characterization, and here he does it again—in spades. Dodger’s dodgy yet
sincere thought processes are a compelling, heart-warming mix of an utter lack
of morals combined with a true-blue determination to put certain wrongs right.
also get Pratchett’s signature humor, though it’s considerably toned down in
this book as compared to the satire in the Discworld series. The passages about
Dodger getting a better class of clothing, first in a shonky shop and later on
Savile Row, are a prime example, along with the follow-up joke that will make
you think of celebrities wearing the same designer dress to a fancy party. A
lot of the humor has to do with Dodger as a fish out of water, but Dodger is so
valiant and so aware of himself in the world that he is not, after all, the
brunt of disdain. All of this struts its stuff on the stage of filthy, colorful
nineteenth-century London.
simply can’t go wrong with this book.
not crazy about the trailer—Dodger isn’t tough enough and the fight is too
slow paced. But watch it if you want.
Also: This cover is not the best ever, but I think the UK cover is worse. It's just doofy. Good thing the inside of the book is so wonderful!
Also: This cover is not the best ever, but I think the UK cover is worse. It's just doofy. Good thing the inside of the book is so wonderful!
for Worried Parents: Dodger is a book for teens, with a good dollop of peril
and violence plus a few relatively mild references to prostitutes and just
basically the sordid nature of the streets. And there’s a joke you wait for the
whole book due to the unfortunate name of Dodger’s very smelly dog. Even that
is not spelled out, though. In general, it’s just a mature book about an older
teen character.