For those of you who've been wondering what the heck steampunk is, or for those of you who are already in love with this sci-fi/fantasy subgenre and have, for example, read both
Leviathan and
Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld, here's a fabulous
annotated list of titles from picture book to YA from Heather M. Campbell at School Library Journal. She also includes web resources. Thanks to
Charlotte's Library for the link! (Image from
You keep mentioning books in my current pile this weekend (I am reading Behemoth right now)! Your awesome powers of talking-about-what-I'm-reading-now are beginning to frighten me!
Amy--Yes, well, I wasn't going to go public with this, but I CAN read minds. However, it's only the minds of librarians for some reason. If it were the minds of business tycoons, I might find this ability somewhat more profitable. :)
I LOVE this list. I'm working on my own middle grade steampunk novel right now, so I'm trying to read everything I can in the genre. This was fantastic.
I too am a "Book Aunt," although I seem to have forgotten that for a few years. Thanks for the reminder that books are the best presents!
Riley--It's SUCH a good list, isn't it? Best of luck with your novel, from one Book Aunt to another!
Steampunk showed up on the tv show Castle last night! I had to laugh...
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